Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 25 - August 29

It's week two already, and our last week in August.  We're ready to build a solid foundation in the study of rhetoric, which we'll be drawing upon for the rest of the year as we move into themed units (politics and social justice, business/economy, gender, nature and man, and more).

MONDAY: Definition of rhetoric.  Rhetorical triangle with examples including video and short passages.  Due: Tweet assignment.  A Day in the Life short paper.  HW:  Practice with rhetorical triangle.

TUESDAY: Logos, ethos, pathos.  Examples in class and group work.  HW: Rhetorical term example packet due Tuesday.

WEDNESDAY: Logos, ethos, pathos combined.  Logos, ethos, pathos group practice. Due: Independent reading book on a current event/issue due in class for check off.

THURSDAY: Logos, ethos, pathos group practice continued. 

FRIDAY: Current events quiz based on "The 10 Things You Need to Know Today" from  Current event article(s) of the week, discussion. HW: Grapes of Wrath quiz on Tuesday, Rhetorical term example packet due Tuesday.

See you on Tuesday after Labor Day.  Enjoy the three-day weekend! 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Current Events --

We will have a current events quiz on Fridays based on the "10 Things You Need to Know Today: (Date)" article summaries from Monday through Thursday during the week.  These can be found by going to in the World section.

Scroll down and the week's articles will be found here.  I would recommend signing up for the free newsletter that will send the "10 Things You Need to Know Today" article directly to your e-mail inbox each morning.

In addition to developing (or maintaining) a habit of reviewing top stories from around the world, you'll also build a good base of knowledge you'll be able to reference in your writing, (and yes, on the AP exam as well)!

Monday, August 18, 2014


Welcome to 11th Grade AP English Language and Composition!  I am very excited to be your teacher, and I'm looking forward to a challenging, rewarding, and enjoyable year.  Below is our schedule for the first week:

Tuesday - First day of school!  "Great Wall of Happiness" exercise, syllabus handouts, overview of class, teacher and student contracts.  Homework (HW):  Please bring back signed syllabus for Friday.

Wednesday - Interest inventory exercise. Overview of AP Exam.

Thursday - Summer reading book Tweet exercise, A Day in the Life of You Short Paper.  HW: Finish Tweet activity for Monday. A Day in the Life paper due Monday, Independent Reading Book due Wednesday.

Friday - Introduction to "current event" Fridays.  Current event article/SOAPS activity.  HW: For Monday -- A Day in the Life Paper due, Tweet activity due.  Independent reading book due in class Wednesday.